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Sexual harassment, so much in the news today, and thankfully so, is not the same thing as courtship display. I want to think about what it really is, about what is really going on, but first I think we should recognize and dispose of the courtship display intrusion into our lives and the news.

Now just the other morning my Sbux friend Peg, who recently returned from ten days in New Zealand, showed me the video below as an illustration to give an inkling of what she and her tour group experienced in a Maui village. We agreed that it reminded us of cheerleaders.

So if that’s the real deal, what is this? Or maybe the Maui types just have a socially approved form of what we see below here.

Or this?

I’m thinking these guys were thinking they were the real deal, too, and I want to give that to them, but I’m also wondering why the real deal is so public? But wait, these two guys have just been found out. That show off stuff they did was intended for presentation to just one lady at a time. Like this: